Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Engage CEO Paul Keijzer speaks at the Human Capital Management Lahore 2009 conference in Lahore, Pakistan at the Pearl Continental Hotel

On July 22, Engage HR CEO Paul Keijzer spoke at the Human Capital Management Lahore 2009 conference, where he discussed ‘Employee Engagement and Branding:  Key Business Driver for Organizational Success’.  Among the company of other HR industry leaders, Paul helped to build a stronger collective human resources environment within the country, despite the current economic situation. 

 Hosted by Terrabiz Group, the conference aimed at addressing some of the concerns that have arisen due to the changing face of global economies and exploring ways through which HR departments are coping with the challenges.

“Through a focused view of the economy and the diverse business sectors of Pakistan, certain challenges have been identified which HR professionals are faced with on a regular basis. The down turn and the present economic regime has laid much stress on the HR function and [the Human Capital Management Lahore 2009 event] covered some of the most important areas identified such as Strategic HR and Workforce Planning; Employee Engagement and Branding: Recruiting Strategies; Winning Compensation Structures, High Performance Culture; HR Leadership; Training & Development and other related topics.

HCM Lahore 2009 [was] developed to provide a mix of keynote presentations, case studies, targeted panel sessions and networking opportunities. It [brought] some of the major thought leaders from the Pakistan HR circles and top management professionals from some of the most dynamic companies operating in this country and [offered] a platform for debate, questions, answers, creativity and knowledge.”


Monday, August 17, 2009

HR Innovation Conference 2009

Coming soon

HR Excellence Awards

HR Excellence Awards in four categories: 

Best HR Innovation

Best Learning Practice

Best Employee Engagement Practice

Best Retention Practice

For more information send an email: yasir@engagehr.biz or reply to this blog post

Best Place To Work 2009

We aim to get 100 companies from across Pakistan to participate

You only need to submit a random list of 200 employees


In return you will receive:

A free survey report with the engagement scores of your organisation

An opportunity to benchmark yourself with chosen competitors

An opportunity to win the ‘Best Place to Work 2009’ award

For more information email: yasir@engagehr.biz or post a reply to this blog post

Friday, July 31, 2009

The team celebrates July birthdays

At Engage HR, we believe in practicing what we preach, and in doing so we strive to achieve and execute our Values, each and every day. 

We are more than just a workplace.  We are a team.  We are a family.  This Friday most of the Engage HR staff were present to celebrate the team’s July birthdays.  Not only did our time together embody all four of our values, it also gave us a chance to kick back and just be together as individuals and a group with common goals in mind.

The love that was there was most apparent as we went around in a circle and each of us had the opportunity to share the most adventurous thing we’d done yet in life.  This generated some very big laughs, a few surprises, lots of fun AND, the best part, it gave us a chance to get to know one another and grow to yet another level in our understanding of one another.

We thoroughly enjoyed ourselves though not all members of our team were able to be present, and we look forward to the opportunity to bond as a group.

Our Values at Engage HR:


We are a diverse team working together towards our shared purpose of delivering innovative end-to-end HR solutions and services to our clients.


We will continuously push boundaries, experiment, reflect and learn. Giving our personal best everyday


We aim high, persevere and deliver. We act with integrity in whatever we do and want to be known as exceptional professionals.  


We believe in a world of opportunities. We nurture trusting relations, foster tolerance, and want to give back to the community as much as we can

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Tips for Trying Times

Financial markets the world over are still reeling with the shock of Lehman Brothers’ demise, Merrill Lynch’s acquisition and the consequent avalanche of mergers, bankruptcies and bailouts that threaten consumer confidence. The economic fallout from the recent events in the U.S. and world markets has added to the burden of inflation and political unrest that afflicts Pakistanis at every turn.

As businesses stretch themselves thin to adapt to the uncertainty in the marketplace, they should also ensure that they prepare their employees to weather this storm. Combating low morale, as well as the self-doubt that accompanies the rising insecurity in the job market, is key at this juncture. Productivity levels decline sharply when career confidence plummets, so whether your focus lies on having a focussed and committed team or just the numbers on the bottom line, this is a matter that deserves your attention.

So how do you create a positive environment in such adverse circumstances? Here are some simple solutions for organisations that can reap large dividends in terms of rebuilding employees’ shaken confidence.

1.  Focus on their strong points

Companies inform us that when reviewing employees they spend 20% of the time on the positives and the remaining 80% on areas of improvement. How about helping employees pinpoint the areas they excel in and aligning their responsibilities with their capabilities? Having the right person in the right job increases both productivity and motivation levels.

2. Offer some timely appreciation

A well-timed nod, comment or thank you note can provide a real pick me up for any employee. When you see an employee display exemplary behaviour use the opportunity to highlight the achievement by acknowledging it or rewarding it. You not only encourage that behaviour by holding it up as an example, but also motivate the ‘star performer’ to continue going down that extra mile.

3. Encourage employees to toot their own horn - constructively

A weekly session in which employees can share a proud moment or accomplishment is always motivational, as is recognition through company newsletters and magazines. One company we’ve recently read about posts a small placard on the desk of an employee who has made a significant achievement or innovation – the sign says, “I’m a star. Now ask me why.” This simple practice encourages friendly and productive exchanges, creating a positive atmosphere for everyone.

4. Chotti, chotti khushian – make the most of the small stuff

Faced with a stretching goal while distracted by career and financial woes can lead any employee to write it off as unachievable, again leading to demoralization. Instead, how about creating a set of moderately challenging mini-goals? Celebrating a series of little victories steadily creates a can-do attitude and a winning mind-set.

5. Work it out together

Uncertainty can be crippling, especially when you feel that you’re in the dark. One manager recommends a weekly strategy session to combat the negativity by shedding some light on the issues together. During this session, take some time to address current or anticipated changes, while brainstorming some solutions and contingency plans for the team/ department/ organization. You could also highlight internal vacancies and share personal finance and career strategies. This will help to create an environment where employees feel ‘ready for anything’.

So now you have managed to provide some degree of reassurance and inject some positivity to your workforce. What about you though? Here are some ideas for how you can cope in a demanding environment without sacrificing your health and wellbeing.

1. Have a focused strategy

Where do you need help? Cost reduction? Project implementation? With some focus you can make a difference. Having a clear business strategy is the best place to start. Know your end goal and start working on changing the attitudes, behaviour and actions to produce business results. Think of the practical steps you need to take and take them one at a time.

2. You can’t fight on all fronts

Pick your battles. Focus on the issues that matter and accept that some things are not worth the effort. When things go wrong view it as a learning opportunity. Get back out there, collect data and evidence, and be ready to explain how things could be improved.

3. You do need support

We all need a little help from our friends. Whether you need to bounce an idea, get some advice or even just want to know that you’re not alone. A line manager who supports you and understands you and your work can be a wonderful source. However, if you aren’t getting support from where you expect, look elsewhere. Find a stakeholder who will work for you, if not within the business, then perhaps a member of your industry. Just being able to air your issues makes them more manageable. A good support network will make all the difference.

4. Take care of yourself

Stress is high, time feels short and your customers are never satisfied. Even if you could work 24-hour days, you would still feel overwhelmed by the same things. Remember though, that if you’re exhausted you won’t produce any quality work and your health will suffer, leading to more lost time and energy. Remember what your mother taught you: get a good nights rest, eat properly, take short breaks and set boundaries for yourself to ensure you’re not overextended.

5. Keep the compliments

Keep all the compliments you receive. Photocopy positive feedback, hold on to thank you cards, photos from courses you enjoyed and don’t forget the wonderful comments your boss left you on that last report. Go through these when you’re having a tough day. Its easy to lose sight of your achievements in the face of mounting pressure, but feeling positive about yourself and your work will only add to your commitment and ability to excel.